Friday 4 March 2016

Final Poster

As you can see from the final poster we have used emotive language to help advertise and highlight unique selling points. "Brand new album" makes the target audience want to buy it as they know it is brand new; they could be the first to own it. "Deluxe" and "exclusively" will capture the audiences eye, as there is a better version of the digipak highlighted with this language.

As already stated the main image is the whole background and done in black and white so it links with the music video and digipak also to highlight the main characters depression. The identity has been hidden by the black boxes as to cut off the direct gaze to the audience, this will also be done in the digipak and we had the significance of eyes and direct gaze throughout the music video. So links all three.The thin white line going through the text at the bottom is purposely put there to have the same affect as the box does with the eyes. It cuts the text through the middle to signify his splitting life and the two path scenario that I spoke about before. The clothes in the image are just normal clothing so that the target audience can relate to the main character, as they would be a similar age and were similar things.

The puff as you can see links to the album title "Eclipse" as it is representing a solar eclipse.  The light glow around the puff not only links to the title of the album but also highlights the puff to make one of the unique selling points stand out. Finally our production company logo that we created has been put in the bottom right corner to give us credit for the making of the poster. Also we have turned it black and white to fit with the posters theme and the paint has been made to look like it is splatting on the poster changing it black and white as our production company were the creators. The positioning of the logo implies this.

1 comment:

  1. Your magazine advert is great! It clearly links to the music video and indie genre and demonstrates great knowledge and understanding of similar, professional products. Well done!
