Wednesday 23 March 2016

Evaluation Question 3

Here is a Vox Pop we created to show our audience's comments on our main task, the music video:

As you can see we asked two questions to our target audience. What the liked about the music video and what they disliked. These are there comments straight after first seeing the music video. As you can hear that there are some dislikes for example Connor's lip syncing but that is only because he isn't a real actor and if we had enough time we would properly cast the role. Also though there was a lot of positive feedback especially in terms of the editing and camera work following the storyline through certain effects. Such as having the main character (Connor) in black and white and the girl character (me) in colour, to show the contrast in the happiness and loneliness, as well as highlighting the memories.

Here is my answers to some questions that an audience member had about our music video after first seeing it:
With more time we would be able to change or develop everything that the audience didn't like or didn't understand. Unfortunately, we couldn't change everything the audience commented on in terms of the music video. However due to audience feedback we changed the digipak style as we are selling it as a deluxe package, we needed to live up to these terms. So our final digipak has changed ao the audience wants to buy it.

1 comment:

  1. Again, lovely use of audiovisual content to answer this question and some good points made. Again, more detail would be good here to clearly explain what you have discovered about the importance of audience feedback and how you used it to adapt your product along the way, e.g. you mentioned at the end that you adapted your digipak design - perhaps you could have posted the first and final draft side-by-side so that we can see the changes more easily?
