Tuesday 8 March 2016

Ancillary Task- Digipak

We have linked the Digipak with the Poster and the Music Video through keeping the images black and white and hiding the main images identity with the black boxes covering his eyes. This is obstructing the direct gaze again. Also we have kept the imitation of the "Mug Shot" idea. Important information is further in to the digipak pages as the main selling point is the name of the band and album rather than the behind the scenes addition or song title.

Final Digipak:
As you can see the digipak is similar and relates to the poster and the music video. It almost gives an incite to what the music video is going to be about before you've even seen it. Featuring the main character/ member of the band is important as he will be a unique selling point that the audience can relate to; being similar ages. The black and white theme runs throughout the 3 products and the negativity/ lack of identity. 

We will now show this to our target audience to get there feedback on its suitability and strengths. Dependent on this feedback will depend whether we decide to change any of it.

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