Wednesday 23 March 2016

Evaluation Question 3

Here is a Vox Pop we created to show our audience's comments on our main task, the music video:

As you can see we asked two questions to our target audience. What the liked about the music video and what they disliked. These are there comments straight after first seeing the music video. As you can hear that there are some dislikes for example Connor's lip syncing but that is only because he isn't a real actor and if we had enough time we would properly cast the role. Also though there was a lot of positive feedback especially in terms of the editing and camera work following the storyline through certain effects. Such as having the main character (Connor) in black and white and the girl character (me) in colour, to show the contrast in the happiness and loneliness, as well as highlighting the memories.

Here is my answers to some questions that an audience member had about our music video after first seeing it:
With more time we would be able to change or develop everything that the audience didn't like or didn't understand. Unfortunately, we couldn't change everything the audience commented on in terms of the music video. However due to audience feedback we changed the digipak style as we are selling it as a deluxe package, we needed to live up to these terms. So our final digipak has changed ao the audience wants to buy it.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Project Complete

Now that our project is completed we can move on to getting audience feedback and evaluating our final pieces. If changes need to be made then they can be, like the ones we need to make for the digipak.

My contribution:

  1. I was the female in the music video.
  2. I had the overall view on the locations and props.
  3. I contributed ideas to the filming and editing.
  4. I created the final poster and recreated the digipak after feedback on photoshop.
  5. I created the whole of my blog that can be seen here and all of the work on here was done by me unless stated otherwise.
So these are some of my contributions in the project.

Tuesday 8 March 2016

Ancillary Task- Digipak

We have linked the Digipak with the Poster and the Music Video through keeping the images black and white and hiding the main images identity with the black boxes covering his eyes. This is obstructing the direct gaze again. Also we have kept the imitation of the "Mug Shot" idea. Important information is further in to the digipak pages as the main selling point is the name of the band and album rather than the behind the scenes addition or song title.

Final Digipak:
As you can see the digipak is similar and relates to the poster and the music video. It almost gives an incite to what the music video is going to be about before you've even seen it. Featuring the main character/ member of the band is important as he will be a unique selling point that the audience can relate to; being similar ages. The black and white theme runs throughout the 3 products and the negativity/ lack of identity. 

We will now show this to our target audience to get there feedback on its suitability and strengths. Dependent on this feedback will depend whether we decide to change any of it.

Friday 4 March 2016

Final Poster

As you can see from the final poster we have used emotive language to help advertise and highlight unique selling points. "Brand new album" makes the target audience want to buy it as they know it is brand new; they could be the first to own it. "Deluxe" and "exclusively" will capture the audiences eye, as there is a better version of the digipak highlighted with this language.

As already stated the main image is the whole background and done in black and white so it links with the music video and digipak also to highlight the main characters depression. The identity has been hidden by the black boxes as to cut off the direct gaze to the audience, this will also be done in the digipak and we had the significance of eyes and direct gaze throughout the music video. So links all three.The thin white line going through the text at the bottom is purposely put there to have the same affect as the box does with the eyes. It cuts the text through the middle to signify his splitting life and the two path scenario that I spoke about before. The clothes in the image are just normal clothing so that the target audience can relate to the main character, as they would be a similar age and were similar things.

The puff as you can see links to the album title "Eclipse" as it is representing a solar eclipse.  The light glow around the puff not only links to the title of the album but also highlights the puff to make one of the unique selling points stand out. Finally our production company logo that we created has been put in the bottom right corner to give us credit for the making of the poster. Also we have turned it black and white to fit with the posters theme and the paint has been made to look like it is splatting on the poster changing it black and white as our production company were the creators. The positioning of the logo implies this.

Thursday 3 March 2016

Poster Construction

To construct the poster we used Adobe Photoshop, using the ideas from the plan before, here is the process we went through:

First we went out and took some pictures that we thought would look good on an indie rock poster, following there conventions. Then on photoshop we set up an A4 canvas size and uploaded these images.

In this picture we are changing the size of the image so that it fits on the pre set canvas. We did this for all the pictures we took as we knew where we wanted them on the page.
Then we cropped the images and turned them black and white, linking to the music video, again doing this to the rest of the images that will be placed on the poster.
Aligning the images to where we wanted them to be place. We have chosen to have it like this as it is quirky and simplistic, also it shows him on his own as the only people next to him are himself. Placing them either side of him, signifies an almost angel and devil approach. This shows the two paths he could have gone down, the good and bad. Also having them turned away from him highlights his isolation. Alternatively, having himself turned three ways also takes the affect of looking like a "Mug Shot" from an arrest. As the character has stooped this low to deal with drugs and also the fact that the quirky idea about arrest for the album cover fits in with the idea rock conventions.
Then we discussed how we could make his lack of identity present, or the fact that he wants to hide behind something. This is how we came up with the simple black box hiding his eyes. The eyes were significant in our music video and so be hiding them here we are again making them significant. But also obstructing the direct gaze to the audience as he is isolated from the rest of the world.
Next we had to decide where we wanted the title, going across the non existent direct gaze seemed like the perfect place as his identity is B O C A, and selling B O C A to the audience through the covering of the main characters eyes seems perfect. This way they can relate to the band name as it is obstructing the direct gaze to the audience so will be the first thing seen or noticed.
Furthermore we decided where we should add the album name "Eclipse", we thought it should go below the band name as this is the most unique selling point, however its should also stand out and be central still. We are going to make sure that the font used is the same across the digipak and the poster, linking them.
We kept the wall in the picture behind the main character as it signifies him blocking himself in away from the rest of the world.

After that to make it have more of a poster advert feel we added a puff, and to highlight/ link to the name of the album "Eclipse" we made it a black circle and put a white moon-like glow around it. The text inside will state that an exclusive version of the digipak will be released, this being our deleted scenes version.