Monday 30 November 2015

Planning Meeting

During this meeting we dicusses locations, costumes and casting for the music video. We have all had ideas and have decided to use the stage at our school to recreate the performance sections of the band. As well as this we have had ideas about using a messy room full of empty alcohol cans/bottles and substances representing drugs, for the intro- this will be a room at Arran's house. We have also discussed using a local park so we can produce memory shots and contrast them with the main characters life to the day. The next thing to do with locations is to produce a recce.

For casting of the main roles, Connor will be representing the main character/singer and taking on this role for the band. This is due to the fact that the members of the band are not possible to film. This is because one is in China, another is travelling and the third is in the Navy based on a ship. Connor will play the main character in two ways; His more innocent, 'pure', uncorrupted past-self and then again as a neglected soul, addicted to drugs and struggling with the effects that they have pursued on his life. 
I will be playing  the role of Connor's girlfriend when they were together and also as Connor's hallucination of her. This will have the effect of  looking how Connor sees her, like himself (addicted to drugs, depressed, negative, etc.). It could also be seen as a vision of how she would have become if she had stayed with him.

In terms of costumes, we have decided to have two sets of outfits which reflect the two roles of the actors; Connor will be wearing one costume of bright or white colours to reflect the 'good' past version of himself and also one to reflect him when he has become addicted to drugs. Similarly I will wear a more relaxed lounge wear of bright colours, to reflect the positive relationship for one role. For the second role I will be in negative, dark colours, with running mascara and looking scruffy.

The next thing to do with our planning is to produce a recce and start on filming concept shots. This will allow us to get visual ideas of the whole music video so that when we come to constructing we can get the filming done quickly; leaving more time for editing. 

1 comment:

  1. Some really interesting ideas here which demonstrate that you have really thought about what the message of the song is about. I look forward to seeing it develop in time!
