Monday 2 November 2015

Creating our Production Company Logo and Name

Whilst researching and planning for our music video production we decided to create our own name and logo for our new production company. This way we can make all our work more professional and actually email the chosen band to use their song for our A-level work. Asking them if we can create there music video, magazine poster and digipak for their album; as well as promoting them through social media sites such as Facebook by improving their own page. This will allow us to establish and full blown marketing project for the unsigned band BOCA.

Here is the final piece of our logo for our production company. I created this on Photoshop from all the ideas we came up with and looked at. The paint relates to what happens when paint touches speakers (bass); this is the musical element. We chose the name Wight Spark because we are the production company on the Isle Of Wight and the word Spark is the beginning of a fire and therefore the beginning of something great (a bands career). Finally it is bright and colourful to stand out just like music.

We can now make our project a lot more formal by representing BOCA officially.


  1. It was fascinating to listen to you and Harry deciding on your name and logo. You demonstrated a real understanding of the importance of choosing an appropriate and suitable company name and took great care and effort in considering your logo. I look forward to seeing the final result! :)

  2. The final production company logo looks very professional; contemporary and innovative. You've demonstrated excellent Photoshop skills to produce this. I also like your reasoning behind the name. Well done!
