Thursday 26 November 2015

Story Board Shots for Filming

Here is a story board I have made briefly by creating these shots through images on Google and editing them on Photoshop:

First shot appears in the left hand corner of a black screen.

Appears on first chord sound.

In black and white as shown
Screen quartered.

This will emphasis his solitude and where he is in his life at the moment (depressed)


This second shot will look at his isolation from a side view and become closer to him.

This will come in on the second chord being strummed and again is in black and white to convey the darkness of his like at this time.

The third shot will appear on the left bottom corner of the screen.

It is a close up of a hand clearly participating in drug use.

Again its in black and white and will come in on the third chord being strummed.

Again this will allow us to show how he is dealing with this depression through the use of drugs.

This shot will come in on the fourth chord being strummed.

It will appear in the right bottom corner of the screen.

It is to show his emotion of depression and desperation as well as his use of drugs.

During this shot we will get the pupil dilating and then shrinking back again as light is let into it.

In shot five this will appear over the top of the last four shots as they slowly fade out.

He will sing the first two lines of the song.

Will be fairly close to the camera to bring his sad emotion across.

Still in black and white.

In the 6th shot he will be singing the next two lines: "Bring me back into your arms. Your sweet embrace."

This shot will act as a flashback to his happy life before with his woman.

This will be in over the top bright colours to show the clear contrast.

In the seventh shot we see the same mirror image but of him now.

Back in black and white.

And the girl has gone from the sofa to show his loneliness and reminiscing.

This is the storyboard so far, for the intro and first verse of our chosen song. I will now take the images and the ones that we will create for the rest of the song and make an anamatic. This will allow us to view our music video ideas as still images and where they fit in the song. This will also make it a lot quicker and easier to film as we will already have the times and shots set up.

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