Monday 2 November 2015

Planning Spider Diagram

Here are my groups and my original thoughts for our planning stage and how to go about planning are presented here in the spider diagram we created. As you can see there is a lot to consider and get done as well as always focusing on the needs of our target audience. We then went on to creating a To Do List and order our work so that we can go through the process of planning successfully.

This is the To Do List, from looking at this you can see that our first task is to allocate roles to the group within the planning and filming stages. My role is to be responsible for locations and props which I feel I'll be good at because of my knowledge of the song (as it's my brothers) and the area they were thinking of when creating the lyrics; I am also creative so can link lyrics to places and images I feel will be effective. Harry another member of my group is responsible for casting and costume; this is ideal for him because he is extremely educated in current fashion and can spot talent from a mile. Arran will be in charge of editing however we will all help and put ideas in for this; he is perfect for this as he has a lot of experience in this area. Finally Connor is the Camera man as he also has lots of experience in this area due to studying film and he enjoys it so will put in a lot of effort in creating each shot.

Our next task is to annote the lyrics...

1 comment:

  1. This is a great way to approach the planning stage of this project - firstly to brainstorm what you need to do and then to try to put it into some kind of order. Well done! It also sounds like you have divided up your roles and responsibilities fairly and by taking into consideration people's strengths and interests. Impressive team work!
