Monday 12 October 2015

YouTube Artist's Music Videos

Here is a video that Arran, one of my group members created to show the conventions of low budget YouTube music videos.

As you can see from those short clips, all the artists mix different camera shots on screen and it is only them performing due to the low budget. This is still very effective and significant as it allows layers and harmonies to develop as well as seeing multiple members of a band (Xplore Yesterday) on screen at once.

As we are not going to have money to spend on the creation of our music video we can take into account some of these conventions so that we can promote B O C A to their full potential; getting them known like these YouTube artists are now.


  1. This is a really interesting piece of research into some of the less 'traditional' music artists that are making a name for themselves on the internet. Whilst these aren't very mainstream at all, your point about using these low-budget music video ideas as inspiration for your own low-budget music video is a very valid point indeed!
