Thursday 15 October 2015

18 Rated Music Video

 Arran create this music video to show an example of audience perception towards an extreme music video; which has recently become the only one rated an 18 by the BBFC.

As you can see my reaction is the worst, as i found it extremely shocking at times. However all of us at one point did laugh due to the randomness and over exaggeration of the violence. I thought some parts linked to the film Scary Movie, which is almost a parody of scary films.

From this we can take away the fact that we can't just include anything within our music video as then it may be certified and some of our target audience might not be able to view it.


  1. Again, an interesting point to note about the actual content of your music video as you will be (hopefully!) aiming for something a little more 'mainstream' than this rather disturbing video!

  2. Yes we will be due to our target audience
