Saturday 20 June 2015

Analysing Music Videos and Theorists

Textual Analysis:

Look at -
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Sexuality
  • Band/Artist as a brand
  • Mise-En-Scene
  • Sound
  • Editing
  • Camera Work

Narrative Theory:

Narrative- The way a story is told so that the elements are structured in such a way that it makes sense to the audience.

3 Key Theorists:


  • Equilibrium
  • Disequilibrium
  • Recognition
  • Reparation
  • New Equilibrium
  • Hero/ Heroine 
  • Sender
  • Villain
  • Helper
  • Reward
  • Doner
  • Father
Levi Strauss-
  • Binary Opposites

3 Types of Music Video:

Concept Based-
  • Not much narrative and not necessarily linked to lyrics.
  • Based upon single idea or theme.
  • Intrigues a specific target audience.
Narrative Based-
  • Tells a story.
  • May feature/ be suggested by lyrics.
  • Follows beginning, middle and end.
Performance Based-

  • Just band performing.
  • Usually shown on stage.
  • Lyrics not as important.

Final Theorist:

Andrew Goodwin-
  • Music video theorist
  • Ignores common narrative
  • Essentially adverts
Six Different Conventions-
  • Relationship between lyrics and visuals (illustrate, amplify or contradict them).
  • Seeing the sound (music has a relationship with visual).
  • Genre-related style (different genres have certain conventions).
  • Multiple close-ups of main artist (creates an image for the brand).
  • Voyeurism, looking at someone without them knowing (sexualize artist).
  • Intertexuality, references other media texts.
After looking at how a music video should be analysed and learning the 3 types of music videos; as well as incorporating theorist ideas. We can now go on to pull apart some music videos and work out where they fit and their genre/ conventions. 


  1. Some good notes here on theorists and what to focus on when analysing music videos. Could this be presented in a more interesting way?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Have added pictures and linked to further posts
