Tuesday 9 June 2015

My First Thoughts on the A2 Project


I am really enthusiastic about this project as I feel it will be enjoyable to create a music video due to the types of stories they usually portray. Conveying a serious message or issue of society (dependent on the songs and lyrical analysis). I'm looking forward to being able to analyse lyrical meanings to construct a narrative for a storyline. Also being able to design the digipak will allow a more creative side in terms of artwork for an album and creating an album name. Already I have been given permission from an unsigned band to create a music video for one of four songs and to create the digipak and digipak advert for the potential album. I am in a group of two, me and Harry and we are already ahead with the task due to the interest we have. The music genre I am into is Pop, R+B and some forms of Rock. The band we have permission from is called BOCA and they are a local Indie Rock band. One song we are considering is called "Elevator" and is based on the idea of drugs and violence in relationships; therefore incorporating serious video footage and enabling more of a darkened aspect to the narrative and overall music video.

Overall I am excited to start this task and create a really effective music video and promotion pack for BOCA.

My group and I started thinking about what sort of things we would need to post in our blog and research about. So we created this mind map highlighting our thought and ideas about what the assignment should entail.

1 comment:

  1. I am pleased that you're so enthusiastic about this coursework project and I look forward to seeing your progress!
