Tuesday 23 February 2016

Ancillary Task- Poster Plan

Here is the first plan for the ancillary poster task:

As you can see we have said that we want the poster to be black and white due to the fact it will link to the music video but also because he is meant to be in a dark, negative place in his life and this helps show that. He will be wearing a hoodie to show his slob fashion and again show how far down he has landed with life, the hoodie is dark and can shelter him form the rest of the world (comfort clothing). The background will be plain to show the simplicity, and also there should be a way of hiding his identity almost from the audience. This will also somehow go on to link with the digipak.

1 comment:

  1. This planning is quite basic - it's more notes than a mock up of what you want the magazine advert to actually look like! :)
