Monday 21 September 2015

Questionnaire results

Here are our results from our questionnaire. We asked 30 people between the ages of 17 and 25 as we felt that this would be our target audience age range, but we didn't specify genders because with music genres and gender, especially Indie Rock, both males and females can listen to similar things unlike film. These are our interactive pie charts to show the results for each question asked:
This first chart has shown that we are aiming at the correct audience as most of them have put one of there top three as Indie Rock, being first to Rock. Therefore we will still aim our music video at 17-25 year olds.

This second chart shows that again our target audience of 17-25 do watch music videos with the majority tied between: A few times a week and Once a week, the second highest being Everyday. This shows again we should be aiming at this audience due to the fact they are the ones watching music videos.

Here is the third chart, interestingly there were four options the last being the Artists Websites but 0 people said this option. Therefore as a clear 90% watch music videos on YouTube this is definitely one of the options we will use for our music video to be accessed.

Our next chart shows that over half the people we asked prefer watching narrative based music video; therefore this will be the main theme throughout (trying to tell a story). However because 25% said that they liked seeing the artist perform so we can also include the band performing to widen our target audience range.

This final chart shows the most popular artists from the 30 people we asked. Imagine Dragons, FooFighters, Biffy Clyro and Red Hot Chili Peppers all making the list being considered Indie Rock artists, the first two making the second highest scores (8.8%). Therefore we have chosen the correct audience and will look at how these bands brand themselves and music as well as being influenced by their music videos. We could also take a look and consider how Ed Sheeran brands himself and the music as he got the top result (11.8%).

Finally we had a question asking: Are there any music videos that stand out for you, if so how? The results from this question can't be put into a chart as it was too open but most of them said they liked music videos that were creepy as thats why the stood out. Some people said music videos that suit the song and show a narrative through it. Others liked iconic dances in a music video. An interesting comment was: Music videos that parody stereotypes, or music videos that make them laugh/cry/show emotion. Lastly music videos that show animation as well as real-time footage. Therefore we will look back at the results for this question to see what we could realistically include that suits the theme of our music video.

1 comment:

  1. A simple yet effective way to present your results visually and some good analysis for each question you asked. I particularly like the way you have decided to look into the way in which several of the most popular indie rock artists (Foo Fighters, etc) create a BRAND image across their music videos and related promotional material. This should really support you through the planning stages of your own music video (and ancillary tasks). Well done!
