Tuesday 22 September 2015

"Musicians Guide to Social Media" Analysis


The musicians guide to social media is a PDF file we found, it provides useful information and advice for independent musicians on how to promote themselves through social media; such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter E.T.C. This was very useful to our group as we are hoping to create a Music Video for an unsigned band and post it to the world through YouTube. As well as this we already know that the band we are looking to promote have already tried to advertise themselves through Twitter, Facebook, Myspace and creating their own official website. So we are hoping to gain a better understanding of free promotion through social media so we can improve their advertisements on the sites they are already a part of. 

The document highlights the importance of a personal website over a page on social media. It says that it is almost a main hub for your online presence. Therefore the first thing we will look to improve and develop is their official website. However the pages on social media sites are where they can promote their website and it is more world spread with more of their target audience connecting to these social media sites.

BOCA's Social Media Now:

Overall this PDF file will be very useful throughout the rest of our marketing process; as it offers lots of relative information which we will need in the later stages of this project. However as my team mate Harry mentioned it doesn't stress any evidence that the information actual works in practice. Therefore may be slightly unreliable as is only based on theory and hasn't shown any examples of it working for any independent musicians.  


  1. A good effort to carry out secondary research into how to use social media to promote music and well done for 'reading around the subject'. Also, well done for coming to your own conclusions about how useful the guide may or may not be. It will be interesting to see, as you progress through this project, whether it is helpful or not!
