Thursday 17 December 2015

Christmas Music Video Project

Here are some screenshots of the Christmas music video that we created for our school as an extra curriculum task. It help us to get to grips with filming techniques and editing styles. It also allowed us to do some casting for teachers and students. It took two double lessons to finish as we had to film and make sure every line had been sung or was used.

In the shot above I walked with the camera from the front gate to the entrance door to our school, in editing we speed this right up so that it only took a few seconds and looked very effective as an intro.

As you can see above we also had some good uses of last minute props so it had a more festive feel to the whole video. Every teacher from every department was keen to get involved which made filming and camera shy no problem at all.

Overall this task enabled the whole group to use our different skills in technology to create a fun christmas music video. We can now take all the things we’ve learnt and practise to go towards our own A-Level task of creating a music video.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

First Day of Filming

Here is a short extract for our first day of filming, we managed to get the introduction done and some of the first verse as we had thoroughly planned this through the anamatic and storyboard. We found it fairly easy for Connor to be able to lip sing to the lyrics and so the fit very well in my opinion.We managed to get a lot done if a short space of time today, overall very successful.

Thursday 10 December 2015


Here is our Anamatic for our introduction ideas. As you can see we made images on Photoshop to show how we wanted the shot to look and have briefly edited them to be black and white on some showing the main characters negative side. As well as this we have positioned them to where we want the shots to come in, in time to the music which has been under laid in.

This will save time and help us a lot with the actual filming and editing of our music video.

Sunday 6 December 2015


Here are the scans for our storyboard, that we all participated in drawing out each shot that we wanted to appear. Due to the quality of the scanner it is fairly hard to see the lines.

However because we have planned this thoroughly we will be able to get the filming done fairly quickly as we already know what we want and where we want it. Locations were a big part of this planning as we had to consider where we good actually film.

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Costume Ideas for Connor

Here are some images taken by Arran to give us an idea of the type of costumes we think would suit Connor's character.

We decided that Connor would wear white for his past-self, signifying purity and happiness and dark colours for his portrayal of himself today, negative and neglected.